Yoav Rotem Experience Israel

Privacy Policy

This privacy policy (the “Privacy Policy“) is an integral part of the Website’s terms of use and both documents should be read together.

The Operator respects the privacy of its users (“You” or the “Users”). To improve the protection of the Users, the Operator publishes this Privacy Policy regarding how the Operator collects Your information from Your use of the Website.

1. General
1.1. As part of Your use of the Website, You will be required to provide the Operator certain details including name and email address. Such information is stored by the Operator in its customers database and is used for internal use and future contact with its customers. Credit card details, if will be requested, are needed for billing only and are not stored by the Operator.
1.2. During Your use of the Website, information regarding Your use of the Website may be collected including services You were interested in and pages You viewed. Such information is statistic and does not identify You.
2. Database and its Use
2.1. All collected information as stated above is stored in the Operator’s database. The Operator warrants to use such information according to the Privacy Policy and/or according to any applicable law and for the following purposes:
Enabling convenient and efficient use;
Improve and enrich existing services and content;
Modify and/or remove existing services and content;
Perform research and provide statistic information to third parties, including advertisers (in such case, the provided information will not identify You);
Enforce the Operator’s terms and conditions;
Collecting payments;
Any other purpose detailed in the terms of use and this Privacy Policy.
3. Purpose of Using Information and Mailings
3.1. User details provided by You will be bound to the Privacy Policy, and You hereby agree that such information will be stored in the Operator’s databases for the following purposes:
Marketing, advertising, sales promotion, addressing the User by any available media (including in writing, by phone, fax, electronic form and any other form);
Encouraging loyalty, research and analyzing of statistics, conducting surveys and any other use regarding registration to the Website;
Internal uses including investigating complaints and/or reviews;
Operational marketing and statistical purposes including processing information and mailings for such purpose;
Providing services to You and ensuring fair and lawful trade.
3.2. You acknowledge that You have no legal obligation to provide the Operator with such information and any providing of information is done at Your consent. Furthermorethe Operator may, for the above purposes, transfer such information which will not identify You, anonymous or aggregative, regarding Your use of the Website, to entities which are collaborating with the Operator’s activity and to any other entity which will provide services and benefits to the Users under the Operator’s sole discretion.
3.3. With accordance to Your consent, the Operator may address You from time to time with mailings offering You different benefits during Your use of the Website including via email, text messages or phone unless otherwise requested from You.


4. Transferring Information to Third Parties

The Operator may transfer and/or share Your information in the following events and circumstances (other than credit card details which are not stored by the Operator):

When You have permitted the Operator to transfer and/or share Your information;
When You violate the terms of use of the Website or act illegally;
To enforce the Terms or other agreements or policies;
In response to a subpoena or similar investigative demand, a court order, or a request for cooperation from law enforcement or other government agency;
To establish or exercise the Operator’s legal rights;
To defend against legal claims; or as otherwise required by law. In such cases, the Operator may raise or waive any legal objection or right available to the Operator, in the Operator’s sole discretion;
To collect Your debt to the Operator through a third party specializing in collecting debts including law offices;
When the Operator believes disclosure is appropriate in connection with efforts to investigate, prevent, report or take other action regarding illegal activity, suspected fraud or other wrongdoing;
To protect and defend the rights, property or safety of the Operator, its Users, employees or others;
In connection with a substantial corporate transaction, such as the sale of the Operator’s business, a divestiture, merger, consolidation, or asset sale, or in the event of insolvency.
5. Cumulative and Non-Personal Information

The Operator may use cumulative and non-personal information which the Operator collected as detailed above. The Operator may combine non-personal information which the Operator collected with non-personal information collected from other sources. Furthermore the Operator may share cumulative information with third parties including advisors, investors and advertisers for business analysis. For example, the Operator report to its advertisers the number of visitors of the Website. Such information is not personal and may be used in order to develop content and services which will assist the User and will adjust content and advertisement.

6. Third-Parties


6.1. There are several places on the Website or through the Operator’s services where You may click on a link to access other Websites that do not operate under this Privacy Policy including websites of Businesses and/or Events. These third-party Websites may independently solicit and collect information, including personal information, from You and, in some instances, provide the Operator with information about Your activities on those Websites.
6.2. Every third party to which the Operator may disclose personal information may have its own privacy policy describing its use of personal information, and such policy will regulate the use, handling and disclosure of such personal information of the User after the Operator shared it with third parties as detailed in this Privacy Policy. Should You require additional information regarding any privacy policy of third parties, The Operator recommends that You visit these third-party Websites.
6.3. The Operator may allow third parties, including its authorized service providers, advertising companies and advertising networks to display advertisements on the Website. Such entities may use tracking technologies such as cookies in order tocollect information regarding users which are viewing or interacting with their advertisements. The use of such cookies is with accordance to their privacy policy and not to this Privacy Policy of the Operator.
7. Your Choices About Collection and Use of Your Information
7.1. You can choose not to provide the Operator with certain information, but that may result in You being unable to use certain features of the Website.
7.2. When You use the Website You may be given a choice as to whether You want to receive email messages and/or newsletters about service updates, improvements, special offers, or containing special distributions of content by the Operator. The Operator may send You other types of transactional and relationship email communications, such as service announcements, administrative notices, and surveys. Please note that, changing information in Your Account, or otherwise opting out of receipt of promotional email communications will only affect future activities or communications from the Operator. If the Operator has already provided Your information to a third party before You have changed Your preferences or updated Your information, You may have to change You preferences directly with that third party.
8. Use of Collection Technologies
8.1. The Operator may use various technologies to collect information from Your device and about Your activities on the Website.
8.2. The Operator may use standard internet technology, such as cookies, web beacons and other similar technologies, to track Your use of the Website. The information the Operator obtains in this manner enables the Operator to customize the Services the Operator offers visitors to the Website to deliver targeted advertisements and to measure the overall effectiveness of the Operator’s online advertising, content, programming or other activities.
9. Data Security
9.1. The Operator takes appropriate security measures for data security purposes to help prevent unauthorized persons from gaining access to Your personal information. However, no system can be completely secure. Therefore the Operator does not warrant that its services will be totally immune to any breaches of security and/or unauthorized access, including access to the data stored in the Website.
9.2. The Operator inspects, from time to time, the data security of the Website and performs modifications and upgrades accordingly in order to keep the Website’s security. Nonetheless, the Operator will not be liable for any direct or indirect damage caused to You due to exposure of Your information by an unauthorized access to the Operator’s database and/or due to any negligence or act not controlled by the Operator.
10. Your Right to Browse Your Information
10.1. According to the Israeli Privacy Law-1981, every individual has the right to browse the information gathered on him and stored in the databases. An individual who found that his or her stored information is incomplete, inaccurate, unclear and/or updated may address the owner of such database and request the amendment and/or update and/or removal of his or her information.
10.2. For any inquiries, You may contact the Operator by email: [email protected]. It is clarified that the Operator’s contact details and the Operator’s availability are subject to change at its sole discretion and without any prior notice or consent and You will not have any claims against the Operator in such case.
10.3. If such information of an individual is used for personal contact, he or she may request in writing and according to the law that such information will be deleted from the database.
11. Changes to This Privacy Policy

The Operator may occasionally update this Privacy Policy. The Operator will notify You by sending an email to the email address You most recently provided the Operator and/or by prominently posting notice of the changes on the Website and will state at the heading of the Privacy Policy the date of change.


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